Wild Fuchsias Lycra Fabric

Wild Fuchsias Lycra Fabric

desde 63,00 €

Lycra fabrics are an essential fabric in the world of fashion, sportswear and all types of clothing. With a unique elasticity and great durability, they provide support and adaptation to movement that few elastic fabrics can achieve. 

Variety of fabrics, quality and sharpness in colour printing. Choose the fabric that best suits your style in the “Wild Fuchsias” print for Fashion, Crafts and Decoration collections.

5% discount with 10 metres length.

Properties, Uses and Care of Lycra

Printing with Natural Inks. We respect the Environment.

This product is custom made, it is an exclusive order and we deliver it to you within 1 to 2 weeks.

Price includes VAT. All articles include Free Shipping!

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Bikini Fucsias Silvestres tirante fucsia_Mesa de trabajo 4.png

see how this print looks on the fabric

happy bikini, floral, nice